논문정보 링크

Optimization of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (P904)-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of lymph nodes: initial experience in a mouse model

Yoo RE, Cho HR, Choi SH, Won JK, Kim JH, Sohn CH

Anticancer Res 2014;2014 Oct;34(10):5389-96.


Malignant glioma: MR imaging by using 5-aminolevulinic acid in an animal model

Cho HR, Kim DH, Kim D, Doble P, Bishop D, Hare D, Park CK, Moon WK, Han MH, Choi SH

Radiology 2014;2014 Sep;272(3):720-30. doi: 10.1148/radiol.14131459. Epub 2014 May 12.


Magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis of metastatic lymph nodes in a rabbit model: efficacy of PJY10, a new ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide agent, with monodisperse iron oxide core and multiple-interaction ligands

Yoo RE, Choi SH, Cho HR, Jeon BS, Kwon E, Kim EG, Park J, Myeong WJ, Won JK, Lee YS, Kim JH, Park SW, Sohn CH

PLoS One 2014;2014 Sep 12;9(9):e107583. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107583. eCollection 2014.


Reproducibility of histogram and texture parameters derived from intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MRI of FN13762 rat breast Carcinomas

Song YS, Park CM, Lee SM, Park SJ, Cho HR, Choi SH, Lee JM, Kiefer B, Goo JM

Anticancer Res 2014;2014 May;34(5):2135-44.


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